pycsw Migration Guide

This page provides migration support across pycsw versions over time to help with pycsw change management.

pycsw 2.x to 3.0 Migration

  • the default configuration is now in YAML format. See Configuration for more information. A helper script ( migrate-config) is included for updating from the previous configuration format

  • the default endpoint for standalone deployments is now powered by pycsw/ (based on Flask) which supports ALL pycsw supported APIs. Make sure to use requirements-standalone.txt on top of requirements.txt to install Flask along with other standalone requirements

  • the previously used pycsw/ can still be used for CSW only deployments or for applications that need to integrate pycsw as a library (e.g. Django applications). PyPI installations still use requirements.txt which does not install Flask by default

  • the default endpoint / is now OGC API - Records

  • the CSW endpoint is now /csw

  • the OAI-PMH endpoint is now /oaipmh

  • the OpenSearch endpoint is now /opensearch

  • the SRU endpoint is now /sru

  • the syntax has been updated

    • the -c flag has been replaced by subcommands (i.e. -c load_records -> load-records)

    • subcommands have been slugified (i.e. load_records -> load-records)

    • consult --help to use the updated CLI syntax

  • use the following migration script to add new model fields

alter table records add column metadata TEXT;
alter table records add column metadata_type TEXT default 'application/xml';
alter table records add column edition TEXT;
alter table records add column contacts TEXT;
alter table records add column themes TEXT;

pycsw 1.x to 2.0 Migration

  • the default CSW version is now 3.0.0. CSW clients need to explicitly specify version=2.0.2 for CSW 2 behaviour. Also, pycsw administrators can use a WSGI wrapper to the pycsw API to force version=2.0.2 on init of pycsw.server.Csw from the server. See CSW Support for more information.

  • pycsw.server.Csw.dispatch_wsgi() previously returned the response content as a string. 2.0.0 introduces a compatability break to additionally return the HTTP status code along with the response as a list

from pycsw.server import Csw
my_csw = Csw(my_dict)  # add: env=some_environ_dict,  version='2.0.2' if preferred

# using pycsw 1.x
response = my_csw.dispatch_wsgi()

# using pycsw 2.0
http_status_code, response = my_csw.dispatch_wsgi()

# covering either pycsw version
content = csw.dispatch_wsgi()

# pycsw 2.0 has an API break:
# pycsw < 2.0: content = xml_response
# pycsw >= 2.0: content = [http_status_code, content]
# deal with the API break
if isinstance(content, list):  # pycsw 2.0+
    http_response_code, response = content

See API for more information.